Photography Competition Winners 2019
The theme for photography competition in 2019 was Capturing movement. The Society would like to congratulate the winners and shortlisted photographers, who were celebrated at the Biology Week annual awards ceremony.
In the press
Images from the competition were covered in a number of news outlets including BBC News, The Guardian and The Times.
Photographer of the Year 2019: Winner

Demob happy by Nick Edwards
Taken: Thorness Bay, near Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK
Have you ever seen a beetle smile? This Red soldier beetle looks elated as it seemingly strikes a pose for the camera. The common red soldier beetle is usually spotted from June to August, often in mating pairs, in grasslands and woodlands. There are about 40 different species of red soldier beetle in the UK, all with slightly different markings.
Photographer of the Year 2019: Runner up
Flying over sunshine by Kristhian Castro
Taken: Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
This photo captures the stunning greens, blues and oranges of this hummingbird Anthracothorax nigricollis as it flies during sunset. Members of this family of birds (Trochilidae) can flap their wings up to 75 times per second. At faster shutter speeds (1/200sec) the wings appear static, so Kristhian used the setting sun as a backdrop to capture its movement.
Photographer of the Year 2019: Highly commended

Territorial Fight by Sudhir Gaikward
Taken: Sundarban Tiger Reserve, India
These mudskippers are highly territorial and usually chase away intruders. Mudskippers are amphibious fish, meaning they can leave the water for extended periods of time, and mudskippers in particular are able to survive in air for multiple days. They breathe through the moist lining of their mouth and throat, so they prefer high humidity, and are often found in muddy mangrove swamps.
Photographer of the Year 2019: Shortlisted
Falling leaves are blue by Kallol Mukherjee
Taken: Northern Sikkim, India
This photo captures the near symmetrical flight of a large flock of more than 200 Grandala birds. Capturing these birds on film can be quite the challenge, as they remain at very high altitude in Himalayan terrain for almost eight months of the year. The birds will descend to 8000ft only when the upper areas are completely covered in snow and food becomes scarce.
Male polar bear shaking off snow by Ian Stone
Taken: Hudson Bay, Canada
This stunning photo is of a polar bear shaking off snow as it walks through the Hudson Bay, Canada. For two hours before the photo was taken, a blizzard had completely covered the surrounding area and the polar bear in snow. Ian waited until the weather calmed to capture the bear standing up and shaking the snow from its fur, ready to continue with its journey to the sea to hunt for seals.
Tropical acrobatics by Adrià López Baucells
Taken: Manaus, Brazil
This stunning photograph is of an unidentified South American marsupial, although the characteristic black markings on its face indicates it might be a mouse opossum. These small creatures are nocturnal, and feed on bugs, fruit, and bird eggs.
Young Photographer of the Year 2019: Winner

Fighting by Carlos Perez Naval
Taken: Navaseca, Ciudad Real, Spain
This amazing photo, taken by Carlos Perez Naval in Spain, is of two white-headed ducks, fighting over something in the water (probably a fish!).
Young Photographer of the Year 2019: Runner-up
The stampede by Lillian Quinn
Taken: Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
Lillian Quinn has snapped a stampede of a large herd of zebras crossing the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. The zebras, hoping to dodge crocodiles as they head to the other side of the river, make the journey once a year.
Young Photographer of the Year 2019: Highly commended
Hectic nature by Will Lawson
Taken: Hickling Broad, England, United Kingdom
This image highlights the beautiful striped pattern of the zebra, showing both the real animal and its rippled striped reflection. This particular zebra is a Gravy's zebra, the most threatened of the three species of zebra. It is characterised by thinner stripes than the other species. This photo therefore shows stripes not only as a means of camouflage for the animal but also as a mechanism of identification for the observer.
Young Photographer of the Year 2019: Shortlisted
Playtime by Amogh Gaikwad
Taken: Tadoba Tiger Reserve, India
This stunning photo of a tiger after a successful hunt was taken by Amogh Gaikwad. After capturing its dinner, this 15-month old tiger cub decides to play with its dead prey.
Special thanks to judges
Tim Harris - Nature Picture Library and Bluegreen Pictures
Tom Hartman - program chair of MSc in Biological Photography and Imaging at the University of Nottingham
Alex Hyde - natural history photographer and lecturer at The University of Nottingham
Linda Pitkin - underwater photographer
The Society wishes to thank Eppendorf for their support of this competition.