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Careers and CPD

Pursuing a career in biology is stimulating and rewarding. The RSB support biologists with career advice, professional recognition and training events. 


The Society recognises professional biologists through Registers licences, including:

  • Registered Science Technician (RSciTech)
  • Registered Scientist (RSci)
  • Chartered Scientist (CSci)
  • Chartered Biologist (CBiol)
  • Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach)


There are a range of options available for secondary school pupils and university students to find out more about a career in biology. To get started take a look at our careers pages for more information on work experience, apprenticeships, universityjobs and more.


Our training programme is expanding, offering a wide range of courses for all abilities and interests both personal and professional, including persuasive scientific writing, presentation skills and drug development. Courses are offered at a substantial discount to members. View our current courses and book your place now. 

See a full list of the Society's past training events.


The importance of keeping up to date is particularly necessary in today's demanding society. CPD is a useful tool for achieving and demonstrating such ability and competence.