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RSB Connect 2021: bringing outreach and engagement into the future

Held on 23rd - 25th November 2021 RSB Connect 2021 was a three-day online bioscience outreach and engagement symposium.

The event included talks, presentations and Q&A sessions to provide training, information and discussion of contemporary issues relating to outreach and engagement.

The symposium summarised what we have learned during the pandemic, what new tools have made life better and how we can utilise the lessons learned to enhance outreach and engagement work for the future. 

Check out our playlist from our YouTube channel, or individual videos below: 

Day one

Introduction to the day and keynote address

Professor Nigel Brown OBE CBiol FRSB, Chair of the College of Individual Members for the RSB Council.

Digital transformation of outreach and engagement activities

Dr Maria Ocampo-Hafalla, Lab Manager for Education & Science Educator, The Francis Crick Institute. Maria is joined by colleagues from The Francis Crick Institute and Regent High School.

 COVID-19 outreach and engagement

Dr Erika Aquino, Public Engagement Manager, British Society for Immunology.

Identifying and reaching new audiences

Joana Moscoso, Co-Founder, Native Scientist, and Professor Fulvio D'Acquisto, Professor of Immunology, University of Roehampton.

Day one - Closing remarks

Professor Jonathan Pettitt, Personal Chair, University of Aberdeen.

Day two

Introduction to day two and keynote address 

Dr Sarah Bailey, Vice President of Engagement, British Pharmacological Society.

How to support inclusive and equitable engagement using our understanding of science capital

Professor Louise Archer, Karl Mannheim Chair of Sociology of Education, IOE, University College London.

Digital accessibility 

Dr Sarah Bearchell, STEM Lead for the Lightyear Foundation, and Dr Jamie Gallagher, Freelance Science Communicator.

Engaging with LGBT+ liberation efforts

Dr Alfredo Carpineti, Chair and leader of Pride in STEM.

Taking science out to your local community

Dr Claire Price, Research Officer, Swansea University, and Dr Hephzi Tagoe, Research Scientist, GhScientific.

Day two closing remarks 

Rebecca Ellerington, Outreach, Education and Diversity Manager, Society for Experimental Biology.

Day three

Introduction to day three and keynote address: Digital Engagement for the next generation

 Philippa Skett MRSB, Digital Communications Manager, Royal Society of Biology.

Future engagement challenges including evaluation

Toby Shannon-Smith, Public Programs Manager, Institute of Physics, and Anna Woolman, Engagement Manager, British Science Association.

Increasing your funding

Dr Steve Scott, Public Engagement Lead, UK Research and Innovation; Greer Roberts, Funding and Direct Activities Lead, Wellcome; and Dr Magda van Leeuwen, Volunteer and Member Engagement Manager, Royal Society of Chemistry.

Thinking outside the box

Dr Lucy Green, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Assistant Director of Institute of Developmental Sciences, University of Southampton; Tactile Universe - Dr Nicolas Bonne, Public Engagement and Outreach Fellow, University of Portsmouth; and Science Travels - Marie Bowers, Technician, The University of Glasgow.


RSB Connect 2021 was supported by RSB Member Organisations: Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, Biochemical Society, British Pharmacological Society, British Society for Immunology, Society for Experimental Biology, The Genetics Society and The Physiological Society.