Welcome to the regional pages for the Australasia branch. Full details of other RSB events are on the events pages.
Upcoming branch events
Watch this space for upcoming branch events.
Past branch events
Visit the reports section to find out about past events the branch have run.
Social media
Visit the Australasia branch Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram for more branch news.
Our members
Download the branch map and branch demographics to see the numbers and locations of our members (dated January 2023). Read draft minutes from the last AGM, held on 16th September 2023, to find out about branch activities.
Chair: Professor Iain Gordon CBiol FRSB
Treasurer: Carolyn Reynolds MRSB
Secretary: Dr Rob Eley CBiol CSci FRSB
Members: Associate Professor Anne Hamilton-Bruce CBiol FRSB
Co-opted members: Dr Jiao Jiao Li FRSB
Please get in touch by emailing us at
Chair's welcome message
The Australasian branch of the Royal Society of Biology (ARSB) was founded in 2017 in order to bring together biologists from multiple disciplines. At that point in time the southern hemisphere was lacking a unifying society that could work across borders and disciplines to promote biology.
The Royal Society of Biology is the largest professional group of its kind and has an increasingly international focus with members in many countries in our region. The ARSB has brought together RSB members from Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Singapore.
Our mission continues to be to add value for members in our region who do not have access to the facilities of UK-based colleagues and to help showcase the vast amount of biological scientific input generated in our region. Our purpose is that the ARSB forms an inclusive body for our entire region to represent the interests of our local biologists whilst enabling us to better utilise the infrastructure and resources of the Royal Society of Biology.
In the years since foundation we have showcased some of our region’s unique fauna and flora through presentations by members and invited guests. Despite the vastness of our region we have been able to offer some in-person events, however our strength has been in our regular virtual events consisting of presentation and Q&A session. Those presentations are subsequently uploaded to the RSB YouTube channel for wider dissemination.
I encourage contributions to our webpage including short articles, photographic material, notices of events and positions that may be of interest to other members. We are very keen to have expressions of interest for event presenters, committee membership, and meeting hosting/ organisation.
You can contact the committee at and send specific membership queries for the attention of our membership secretary Rob Eley, also at