North Western
Welcome to the regional pages for North Western. Full details of national and local events are available on our events pages.
Upcoming branch events
Tuesday 8th October, 18:00, SeaLife Centre Blackpool
Join the RSB North Western branch and SeaLife Centre Blackpool to celebrate World Octopus Day
Past branch events and recordings
Visit the reports section to find out about past events the branch have run.
You an also visit the Royal Society of Biology YouTube channel to find recordings of recent online talks, the North Western branch Ecology for All series and a training video on taking high quality macro images of small invertebrates.
Social media
Visit the North Western branch Twitter feed and Facebook page for more branch news.
Our members
Visit the branch demographics to see the numbers and locations of our members (Dated January 2023).
AGM minutes
The minutes from the 2023 North Western branch AGM can be downloaded.
Chair: Dr David Wareing MRSB
Vice chair: Michael Clapham FRSB, Jean Wilson MBE CBiol MRSB
Secretary: Elisabeth Green CBiol MRSB
Treasurer: Dr Geoffrey Holroyd MRSB
Members: Dr Andrew Richardson FRSB, Dr Alan Bedford CBiol MRSB, Dr Philip Day FRSB, Janet Preece CBiol MRSB, Wesley Ward, Alejandro Lopez MRSB and Linda Martin MRSB.
Join us
The North Western branch are currently recruiting for new committee members! Why not check out what it involves and send a quick application to
Contact details
Please get in touch by emailing us at