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Member Organisation Education Policy Advisory Group

This committee provides a mechanism for Member Organisations (MOs) to inform the Society's education policy work and all levels - from primary school, through to secondary schools, colleges and higher education. The Committee will report to the Society's Education and Science Policy (ESP) Committee.

The MO Education Policy Advisory Group will:

  • Identify and discuss current and forthcoming education policy-related priorities
  • Identify areas of collaborative working with respect to education policy activities
  • Seek to work collaboratively, wherever possible and appropriate, on education policy activities
  • Inform the Society's education policy work including, but not exclusive to: consultation responses, policy projects and position statements
  • Highlight any issues, concerns or priority areas, concerns or priority areas related to science education
  • Liaise with other sub-committees and special interest groups of the Society's Education, Training and Policy Committees (including, but not exclusive to, the Curriculum Committee, the Teaching Policy Advisory Group and the Biology Education Research Group), as appropriate
  • Horizon-scan likely future issues in education policy over the next 2-5 years

Current Chair: Lauren McLeod MRSB, Head of Education Policy

Anatomical Society

Applied Microbiology International

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry

Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour

Biochemical Society

British Biophysical Society

British Ecological Society

British Microcirculation and Vascular Biology Society

British Mycological Society

British Neuroscience Association

British Pharmacological Society

British Society for Immunology

British Society of Soil Science

British Society of Toxicological Pathology

British Toxicology Society

Field Studies Council

Gatsby Plant Science Education Programme

Genetics Society

Heads of University Centres of Biomedical Sciences

Institute of Animal Technology

Marine Biological Association

Microbiology Society

Nutrition Society

Science and Plants for Schools

Society for Reproduction and Fertility

The Linnean Society

The Physiological Society

University Bioscience Managers' Association

Zoological Society of London