Scotland banner

The RSB branch structure is changing in 2025. Our members in Scotland have run a range of great local events. Read about our past events and find out about upcoming events near you on our events pages.

External events of interest

Biology in Scotland Events: Links to organisations that run local events

Our members

Visit the branch demographics to see the numbers and locations of our members (Dated January 2023). Download draft minutes from the 2022 Scotland branch AGM. You can view our updated branch constitution, confirmed at the 2023 AGM.

Current committee

Acting Chair: Professor Kevin O'Dell FRSB
Treasurer: Dr Russ Clare CBiol MRSB
Secretary: Vacant
Depute Chair for Science Policy: Dr Glenn Masson MRSB
Depute Chair for Education: Professor Kevin O'Dell FRSB
Depute Chair for Outreach: Vacant

Members: Professor John Coggins FRSB, Dr Alistair MacPherson CBiol MRSB, Dr Nicola Veitch MRSB, Dr Bethan Wood CBiol FRSB, Miss Ashleigh Kitchiner

Contact details

Please get in touch by emailing us at

Scotland education work

Education in Scotland is a devolved power, and the RSB's education policy team and the RSBS is keen to support and encourage the study of biology at schools, colleges and universities.

Scotland policy work

Find out what policy work we are doing over on the regional policy page.

The Royal Society of Biology Scotland branch is working to create a network of Scottish members with interests, either professional or personal, in Scottish policy and education.

The aim of this network is to support the RSB in providing evidence-led responses to Scottish and UK Government calls for consultations on a wide range of biology-related policies.