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Secondary Schools

Some fantastic resources to support teachers and students in secondary schools

Useful websites & practical resources

SciberMonkey is an excellent website that points students and teachers to thousands of resources spanning age 5-16 biology chemistry and physics.

The Practical Biology website has a wide variety of practical activities demonstrating a range of biological concepts that can be used in secondary school biology lessons.

We have put together a document to highlight resources to support practical work at A level in England and practical work at A level in Wales. There is also a document to compare the exam board specifications for A levels and AS levels biology in England and a document to compare the A level content.

Biology Changing the World has interesting information and video interviews about biologists who made a difference to the world today.

Gopher Science Labs has a range of hands on practical science activities which encourage peer to peer learning.

More fun activities for the classroom

We have informal activities to use, available on our biology for all pages and outreach pages. Every October you can get involved with Biology Week. School involvement is a crucial part of the celebrations, with quizzes and specially designed creative activities to help you take part. Resources are available all year round.

Information about careers

We offer careers resources to support students in schools and colleges.

Keep up to date

Find out about news, events and resources through our monthly BioEd letter, sign up through mySociety. Our Journal for Biological Education covers policy and curriculum developments, bringing you the latest results of research into the teaching, learning and assessment of biology. If you conduct education research in schools you may be interested in joining our Biology Education Research Group (BERG).


Awards & CPD

Be recognised for your teaching excellence with our secondary school biology teacher of the year award and apply for Chartered Science Teacher Status. We have CPD for teachers and have sessions which run at the ASE conference which include talks by BERG members.

Looking for something else...

If you are looking for further support check out our primary schools, higher education, outreach and get involved pages.