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Gresham College, Barnard's Inn Hall, Holborn, London, and Online
We often think of immunity as being a human, or at least mammalian, phenomenon. But in fact almost all living organisms have some form of immune system. In this lecture, we lift the lid on the astonishingly diverse immune mechanisms used by bacteria, amoebae, nematodes and many other microbial forms of life in their constant battle against viruses and each other.


The speaker, Professor Robin May, is the Gresham Professor of Physic, Chief Scientific Adviser at the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Professor of Infectious Disease at the University of Birmingham.

Professor May specialises in research into human infectious diseases, with a particular focus on how pathogens survive and replicate within host organisms. As the FSA's Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor May provides expert scientific advice to the UK government and plays a critical role in helping to understand how scientific developments will shape the work of the FSA, as well as the strategic implications of any possible changes.


Book free in-person tickets or register to watch online on the Gresham College webpage.
This is the first lecture in the Gresham College series 'What is Immunity Anyway?'