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Hear from leading researchers on plants, microbes, genomics, human health, and science careers in an accessible way.

Accessible Science is a chance to hear from world-leading researchers from the Norwich Biosciences Institutes (the John Innes Centre, The Sainsbury Laboratory, Earlham Institute and the Quadram Institute) to talk about their work in a way that is understandable for all. We have lots of interesting different speakers lined up. Their talks will cover plants, microbes, genomics & human health, as well as the vast and diverse range of careers 
in science.


Prof. Anne Osbourn, Group Leader at the John Innes Centre, will discuss harnessing plant metabolic diversity for drug discovery. Dr. Rowena Hill, a postdoctoral researcher at the Earlham Institute, will explore the role of fungi in ecosystems and critically examine popular scientific theories. Dr. James Canham, Entrepreneur in Residence at The Sainsbury Laboratory, will present on making genomics accessible through the GetGenome initiative, a non-profit that removes barriers to genomics technologies.

A range of shorter flash talks will also be presented by research support and technical staff, during the middle of the event, with the afternoon finishing with talks from Dr. Evelien Adriasenssens, Group Leader from the Quadrum Institute on Bacteriophages and finishing with a KeyNote talk from Dr Erica McAlister, Natural History Museum, London 'Inspirational Insects - why flies maybe the answer to everything!' 


This event is free to attend online, with in-person attendance by invitation only. Advance registration is essential. For more information, including the full programme and speaker details, please view the event PDF and visit the event page.


This event is suitable for anyone aged 17 and above, including sixth form students, university students, technicians, researchers, and anyone with an interest in plant and microbial sciences.


For event queries, please contact Penny Hundleby at

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