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1 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 0AE

Discover innovative solutions to plastic pollution in the Galapagos Islands through expert talks and inspiring insights from leading conservationists.

Galapagos Day is the Galapagos Conservation Trust's showcase event of the year, when the community comes together to celebrate these magical islands and share insights on the latest conservation and research happening in the field. This year they are focusing on positive developments in the fight against plastic pollution, including work to develop a circular economy on the Islands. There is a fantastic line-up of speakers and panellists representing both the local community in Galapagos and efforts to tackle this issue globally at the United Nations. 


The panellists include Luis Vayas Valdivieso, who is co-chairing the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the future UN Global Plastics Treaty, along with Dr Arturo Izurieta Valery, the Director of the Galapagos National Park, who is making a rare visit to the UK especially for the event. We will also hear from Dr Amy MacLeod (University of Leipzig) about the innovative Iguanas from Above project, which is using drone technology and citizen science to build the most comprehensive picture to date of marine iguana populations in Galapagos, and Dr Ceri Lewis (University of Exeter), who will share stories from the last seven years of plastic pollution research in Galapagos.


Tickets for this event are £30, with a reduced rate of £15 for students. RSB members can enjoy a special discounted ticket price of £15 for standard tickets and £10 for students by entering the codes RSB15 and RSBSTU at checkout, respectively. For more information and to book, please visit the event page


This event is ideal for conservation enthusiasts, students, early-career scientists, and anyone interested in marine biology, environmental science, and global conservation efforts.


For event queries, please contact Tom O'Hara at

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