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Our annual Bioscience Careers Day (BCD) shows bioscience students the wide variety of careers open to them

Bioscience Careers Day 2024

This year the Bioscience Careers Day took place online from Tuesday 5th - Thursday 7th March. It included:

  • Talks from industry professionals about the variety of careers available to bioscience graduates
  • Skills workshops aimed at giving bioscience students the chance to learn more about essential skills, from CV writing tips and tricks to where to find further study after a degree
  • A chance to ask questions to representatives from learned societies and top organisations

This annual event is coordinated by the Royal Society of Biology's Careers Committee.

Who can attend?

BCD is aimed at undergraduate and Master's students. PhD students, postdocs, careers advisors and school students considering a bioscience degree are also very welcome. Employers looking to meet talented students focused on their future careers and wanting to find out about talk opportunities at this event, or sponsorship opportunities at future events, should contact Eleanor Barrand at


If you were not able to attend previous years, download presentations from our past events.


If you have any questions about BCD events, contact Eleanor Barrand at

Previous sponsors

We would like to take the opportunity to say thank you to the many exhibitors and sponsors who have made previous events possible:

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, Agenda Resource Management, AstraZeneca, BBSRC, Biochemical Society, British Ecological Society, British Pharmacological Society, British Society for Immunology, British Society of Soil Science, British Toxicology Society, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, CK Science, Cogent, Cranfield University, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Global Nomadic, Innovia Technology, Institute of Animal Technology, Matchtech, Microbiology Society, Middlesex University London, National School of Healthcare Science, Naturejobs, Nature Publishing Group, Newcastle University, NI Water, Norbrook, Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project, Randox, Royal Entomological Society, Royal Veterinary College, Science Careers, Society for Endocrinology, Society for Experimental Biology, Syngenta, Teesside University, Teach First, The Open University, The Physiological Society, Unilever, University of Leeds, University of Surrey, University of the West of England, University of Ulster and University of Warwick.