Materiomics: High-Throughput Screening of Biomaterial Properties

MateriomicsJan de Boer and Clemens A van Blitterswijk (Eds)

Cambridge University Press, £75.00

The study of biological materials is inherently complex, due to the multifarious combinations of structures ranging from nano to macro scale, and the changes of these materials over time. The holistic approach of 'materiomics' amalgamates knowledge, computational models and experimental techniques to provide a deep insight into the behaviour of biological materials at different hierarchical levels and over a range of functions.

It recognises both the universal similarities of building blocks and the diversity of structural architectures which ultimately make the materials fit for nature's vast array of purposes. The integration of multi-scale models and analytical techniques makes it a powerful approach as a diagnostic tool for diseases and as a framework for fast and efficient biomaterial design.

The chapters of this book walk less familiar readers through the convergent principles of materiomics, the fundamental techniques and recent developments that have transformed this into an exciting and expanding field of research. The techniques include atomic force microscopy, piezoelectric dispensing of picolitre droplets for water contact angle analysis, FTIR and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

All of these methods and technologies allow for rapid screening for bulk and surface characterisations. Rapid screening enables the creation of material libraries and potential selection of de novo materials based on ceramic, metallic or bioorganic chemicals for applied materiomics.

Landmarks in the technological developments of this growing science are highlighted as classic experiments within insert boxes. The bulleted summaries at the end of each chapter give an accessible review of the key points, technical benefits and applications.

This book is a rich collection of papers that shine a light on the promising approach of materiomics. It would be a valuable guide to assist students and established researchers alike.

Alexander Waller CBiol MSB