A Buzz in the Meadow

A Buzz in the MeadowDave Goulson

Vintage, £16.99

In A Buzz in the Meadow Dave Goulson gives a personal account of his project to create a wildlife sanctuary in rural France, bringing us into his world with a vivid description of his life and mission.

His honesty creates a refreshing and humorous portrait of how plants and insects interact and rely on one another, highlighting the complexity of their life cycles and how much there is still to learn about them.

Goulson talks about the threats facing insects and their environment, and the importance of insects to the ecosystem. He examines how industrial farming methods and harmful pesticides are damaging insects and their habitats, such as wildflower meadows. Readers will learn more about the potentially irreversible damage that is being done to these vital parts of our ecosystem.

If we damage and destroy these important habitats, the consequences will not only be detrimental to the plants and insects directly involved, but also to the wildlife and ecosystems that rely heavily on them to survive, including ourselves.

A Buzz in the Meadow is a powerful and thought-provoking book that provides an introductory account of the life and habitats of insects and plants. Its scope is both detailed and wide, giving an intimate account of the author's passionate project and at the same time explaining its relevance to the wider world.

Lorna Harwood